Why Diets Don’t Work…

Why Diets Don’t Work…

…and how you do! These days, I can’t go to a business networking event or dinner party without someone asking me, “So, you’re a health coach right? What should I be eating?” It’s sometimes unnerving to have this effect on people. I actually don’t judge...
Backup on the Road to Nirvana

Backup on the Road to Nirvana

Have you ever been away on a trip, having a good time and eating great food and then suddenly it happens? You feel sluggish and full, you may have painful cramps or your body may feel heavy all over because your system is completely ‘backed up?’ I know you know what I...
Why Play Small?

Why Play Small?

I’ve heard the phrase, “Why play small?” tossed about quite a bit lately. I’ve used this phrase myself in talking to my clients “What’s the cost of you playing it so small?” And, I’ve even said this to myself, usually as a form of shoring up my confidence: “I’m not...