I was talking to my friend, Sara, the other day and she was complaining, “I eat such a healthy diet, I exercise regularly, how come I get so tired every afternoon?”

Not only was Sara exhausted, she was also struggling with food cravings, and had put on 10 additional pounds this winter. “I’m tired of feeling fat,” she confided.

I could hear the pain and frustration in her voice. I also knew exactly what she meant.

Frequently, when I meet a client for the first time, they say: “I eat a really healthy diet. I don’t know why I can’t lose this weight.” So, I ask, “What does a healthy diet mean to you?”

The responses vary, but some say, “I eat mostly organic.” Or, “I don’t eat junk food anymore.”

Then, I ask, “What do you eat?” “I eat yogurt and fruit for breakfast.” Or “I have a turkey sandwich for lunch – always on whole grain bread.” Often I hear, “I eat a lot of salads for lunch and dinner and occasionally I’ll have meat, but only chicken or fish.”

Then, I typically ask, “Does your energy dip in the afternoon?” and “Do you have any cravings?”

Almost unanimously, women over 40 have an afternoon slump and they eat healthy food! They really do. They just might not be eating the right food for their body.

“Do you crave any particular foods?” I ask. (I’ve yet to talk a woman that doesn’t have a food craving of one sort or another – whether it’s for corn chips, pop corn, chocolate, candy or anything sweet or salty/crunchy.) Usually, I get a sheepish answer, “Well… I do have a thing for corn chips.”

There is no judgment in this conversation. After all, I’ve been through my own daily cravings saga with tortilla chips. I know what they mean!

So what does it mean when you have an afternoon slump and crave certain foods?

It means your healthy diet is out of alignment with what your body actually needs. Your body is perfect and when you learn to listen to it, you’ll learn to feed it exactly what it needs. After a while, you’ll be able to diagnose any symptom you might have and know exactly how to correct it, but for now…

Here are the top seven reasons your healthy diet may not be working.

  1. You are drinking too much coffee or drinking it at the wrong time of day. Too much coffee can put you on a constant roller coaster of ups and downs during the day. How much is too much? It completely depends on your system. For some, just one cup of coffee can throw off an entire day. Those energy ups and downs can do a number on your adrenals and actually perpetuate more fatigue and weight gain and exacerbate dehydration.
  2. Your body is getting too much sugar. Many women say, “I don’t eat sugar.” You may not eat much processed sugar either, but you may eat too many healthy carbs in general. A slice of whole wheat toast has nearly the identical glycemic load of white bread. Eating a breakfast of oatmeal and fruit is eating a meal made up entirely of carbohydrates – healthy carbs, but sugars nonetheless. The oatmeal slows the absorption of the glucose into your system, but both foods will trigger an insulin response, and you may be hungry again in a couple of hours.
  3. Your body needs more protein. Feeling tired or dizzy at any time during the day can signal that your body simply needs more protein. Protein releases a hormone in the body that balances glucose and will even out your energy all day long. 
  4. Your body is dehydrated. Not drinking enough water will make you feel tired AND crave foods. Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water each day and see what happens.
  5. Your adrenals are stressed. Our modern life puts incredible pressure on us to do more and more, which results in less and less time for sleep and rest. Protect these fragile little glands and ensure you get at least seven hours of sleep each night. Remember to schedule “me” time to do things that replenish your spirit.
  6. Your meals are out of balance. This is one most people miss. To fuel your body and mind, your meals need to be balanced – and I’m not referring to the USDA food pyramid here, but to your unique food blueprint. What combinations of protein, fats and carbs are going to be exactly right for you? Your symptoms mean that there is something out of balance in your system.
  7. There’s an emotional block. Cravings and sleepiness are frequently signals that there is something in the subconscious that needs attending to. Create time in your day to journal or meditate and keep free of emotional blocks.

These can be signals to seek support. Listen to your own inner voice and do what’s right for you.

Remember your body is perfect and always seeking balance. When something is out of whack, a symptom will suddenly pop up. More often than not, we dismiss it due to age or general constitution. But you don’t have to settle for less than consistent health and happiness.

You can have energy that lasts throughout the day. You can be free from energy dips and cravings that put on  additional weight.

It just takes desire and focus, not hard work! I’ve taken the work out of cooking and eating healthy foods for you in the Live a Whole Life Guide to Cooking & Eating Healthy Food. It breaks down healthy eating into three simple steps that when done consistently, will improve your health and that of your entire family.

I’ll tell you that story soon… how when one of my clients shifted her relationship with food and the entire family followed along – without ANY coaxing on her part! Until then…

…Wishing you health, happiness and boundless energy!

Deb Signature

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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