Have you ever been away on a trip, having a good time and eating great food and then suddenly it happens? You feel sluggish and full, you may have painful cramps or your body may feel heavy all over because your system is completely ‘backed up?’ I know you know what I mean!

Last month I was heading out to a meditation retreat in the hills of Western Massachusetts. I’ve done this for several years now and it was great to be back in the great hall and the wonderful grounds of the retreat center. While there, every one of my personal needs was cared for – I was served three amazing meals a day, was provided a lovely room in a beautiful setting, and had little to do but my one job of helping to clean up after the breakfast serving.

But after a couple of days of sitting and walking meditation, I started to notice a change in my body. My fingers and ankles started to swell and my elimination was totally off.

Are you thinking, “I can’t believe she is going to talk about poop in her blog!” Well, yeah, I’m going to talk poop here because it’s a clear signal on how well your body is working. I don’t know about you, but when mine is not, I’m not a happy camper.

Luckily I had a super powerful tool in my bag of tricks – I know my body’s unique food blueprint. So what did I know right away? First, I knew the swelling was telling me my lymph was clogged. Too much sitting and not enough water had caused my lymph to stagnate – those drains were not working.

Next, I looked at my diet. Because I am attuned to my food blueprint – the foods that really work for me – I knew that this really great vegetarian food was heavy on the grains, seeds, and beans – foods on the acidic side of the scale.

The next few days, I walked 3 miles each day and got my body moving again. I also added several tall glasses of water to the many cups of tea I was drinking. Even though it seems like I was drinking a lot, tea can be really de-hydrating.

I knew I also needed to increase the alkalinity in my system, which meant focusing more on greens and fruits – not only for their alkaline properties but also for the great insoluble fiber they deliver.

By the next morning I was feeling like my best self again and
thankful that I had the tools to know what to do.

I was able to completely enjoy my two weeks on retreat by listening to my body and understanding its signals. Do you know what to do when your body signals that something is not okay? When something in your gut is just not working? When your drains begin to clog? When your brain fogs up and you have trouble focusing? When the weight keeps coming on, but never seems to come off no matter what you do? And especially when an illness begins to manifest, whether it’s due to allergies or the common cold or a full-blown autoimmune disease?

Then, maybe you need a food blueprint too.

Are you wondering, “how can I get one?” Your food blueprint is unique to you – your particular constitution and physical condition – and one that we create together as a team. It’s actually fun to experiment with food and notice how it reacts inside the body and you get to create your own recipe of foods that work uniquely for you – that let you feel healthy, energized, strong and thinking clearly all day long.

At this point in the conversation, some of you may be saying, “But with my day, I don’t have the time to prepare and cook healthy meals.” I know. Neither do I, but I do. It’s also why I put together the Live a Whole Life Guide to Cooking and Eating Healthy Food without adding to your to-do list! It’s my free gift to you for coming by and reading my blog today.

If reading this post, or reading the Food Guide raises other questions in your mind, reach out and let’s talk about it. I’m a really good listener. You can just click here and apply for a Live A Whole Life Health Strategy Session.

In the meantime – enjoy your Summer sun and the great bounty of fabulous fruits and vegetables on your Summer plate!

Deb Signature

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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