Work is never a bed of roses. Whether you work for yourself or have a position of some responsibility in another organization, we all fail at one time or another. How we handle failure says a great deal about our self worth and our ability to succeed going forward.

Last month I posed this question on a very popular women’s networking group on LinkedIn:

“How do you get back on track after a confidence crisis?”

If you are a high performer, it’s likely you put a lot of pressure on yourself (and those around you too). What happens when you fail? When the project you were running, or product you were launching doesn’t meet goals? It’s easy to slip into self-doubt and self-judgment – which can have big negative ramifications in the corporate world when sharks smell blood.

How do you pull yourself up again and call in your courage? Share your best tips for keeping your attitude up and your reputation in tact.”

The flood of compassion, vulnerability and heart-felt support in the nearly 250 comments that followed was nothing short of amazing! We showed up for each other like only women can – with heart and wisdom.

Here is a summary of the top 30 recommendations for when life knocks you down. More than 200 women shared how to get back on your feet, hold your head high and tackle your next challenge.

  1. Whatever it is – don’t take it personally or too seriously
  2. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and believe in you
  3. Cry, be sorry, but avoid the pity party – or at least don’t stay too long
  4. Be with it, learn from it, take constructive action
  5. Stop judging (yourself and others) unless you really do have a seat on the bench
  6. Don’t make the same mistake twice – adjust your targets and your team to reach your next goal
  7. Go work up a sweat
  8. Don’t compare yourself to others, it sinks you deeper into feeling less competent
  9. Stop pleasing and trying to be perfect – worse things have happened and this too shall pass
  10. Determine the contributing factors, make corrections and move on
  11. Breathe, meditate, tap your inner sense of peace
  12. Beware of fear and doubt – they are wily traps that are hard to escape
  13. Remember how great you truly are. List your past accomplishments and note your strengths (if this is too difficult, you can ask others)
  14. Be wary of what you sign up for. Learn to spot unattainable goals
  15. What are you tolerating from others that you need to let go of?
  16. Seek therapy if you are sinking too deep and can’t get yourself out
  17. “Get curious, not furious”
  18. Cook a great meal. Clean your house.
  19. Do something in service for someone else
  20. Read poetry, spend time in nature – reconnect with your core
  21. Laugh and be patient with yourself. Be open-minded – how is this crisis opening up a new opportunity for success?
  22. Lean on your spiritual practice for support and guidance
  23. Get an outside perspective – consult a friend or trusted colleague for their take on things
  24. Know that you are not perfect and there are bound to be bumps in the road
  25. Fail quickly and gracefully, but above all keep moving forward
  26. Failure is part of success and it’s never personal
  27. Remember there is nothing you can’t do if your soul is in it
  28. Get a coach
  29. Don’t give up!
  30. Eat chocolate!

And one from my coach …

Make your mess your message. Your rebound from failure will only increase your attraction as a leader. By authentically telling your story, others will be inspired to follow you.

How do you pull yourself out of a confidence crisis? Post your best strategies below. I guarantee you someone else needs to hear it!


Deb Signature

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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