The holidays are here and wow am I unprepared! I want to enjoy my family and friends, eat delicious food and stay healthy while I’m doing it.

But since I’ve been traveling and spending too much time at my desk, I’ve gained a few pounds that I’d really like to shed.

So, I sat down and listed seven things I can do from now until New Year’s eve to fit into that sexy little black dress I want to wear.

Then I thought, I bet I’m not alone. There are other women out there too who are slightly overweight and would like to shed 6 – 10 pounds by New Year’s and ditch the resolutions that only fizzle by February.

So, here you are! Click on the video below for my top seven tips for healthy weight loss without feeling deprived.

If you have been following my blog, you know I am not a fan of diets or food fads. When my friends say, “I’m on this amazing new food plan, and it’s really working!” I just nod and smile.

I know that they will lose a few pounds and may even feel better for a few days. But the weight will eventually return. Why?

Your body is unique and what foods work for you – given your body type, blood type and and health issues you are facing – may not work for everyone.

With some good old fashioned trial and error and some basic good principles like I share here. If you are overweight, you should lose 1 – 2 pounds each week until you become stable. What’s more – you’ll be reducing inflammation and helping to heal at a cellular level.

So don’t be tempted by the next marketing gimmick. Just follow these simple healthy holiday food tips and you will be feeling better by New Year’s:

1. Eat breakfast. Forget about rushing out with just a cup of coffee in your hand. Coffee is dehydrating and does a number on your adrenals (and I know you’re already tired or you wouldn’t be grabbin’ for the Joe.) Breakfast bars are no better. They are full of carbs, and yes protein, but let’s not call that nutrition, okay? Your body will burn through that in no time and then just want a snack before you ever get to lunch.

2. Have your largest meal in the middle of the day. Your digestion is strongest and your need the fuel that a well balanced meal provides to have the energy and brainpower to get through your day.

3. No snacking. The six meal a day diet is not meant for everyone. Keeping your body pumped with insulin every couple of hours will eventually wear out your ability to produce that key hormone and you will pack on the pounds. If you are eating the right balance of your primary nutrients: proteins, carbs and fats – there’s no need to snack, and you will burn fat and lose weight.

4. Make supper ‘supplemental.’ Do you think cave men sat down to three squares a day? NO! And we don’t need to either. Especially as we hit our 50’s and 60’s those extra calories will simply add to our weight and if we eat too late in the evening, will keep us up at night. Let the body slow down and let your liver and kidneys do their job of releasing toxins and purifying your blood.

5. Stock up on Fall cleansing foods. Last weekend I found myself peeling apart a pomegranate (not so easy) and finding that I really did have a craving for those juicy seeds inside. Then I realized, my body was likely needing to get the powerful antioxidants that these beauties provide. Apples, beets and pomegranates are Fall’s natural cleansers. It’s our last chance before Winter sets in.

6. Drink plenty of water. I know you already know this, but do you do it? Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day. Adding lemon will help alkalize your system and reduce inflammation.

7. Last but not least. Get plenty of sleep. Your liver does all its heavy lifting at night and your adrenals need at least five hours of uninterrupted rest to replenish. Is it any wonder half of us have adrenal fatigue? Ease up on water intake as the day goes on so you don’t have to run to the bathroom in the middle of the night. And by gosh, if you do wake up, don’t check your cell phone! Turn over, focus on your breath and drift back into sleep before that amazing brain of yours takes off like a bullet train.

Isn’t it time to stop the cycle of pleasure and pain with food? With simple and smart habits with your meals, you can eat food that tastes good, feel satisfied and look great in your skin (or that hot dress you want to wear for New Year’s.)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Deb Signature

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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