A manifesto is a declaration – often political in nature – that states the beliefs and tenets of a specific group. While gender can be a political issue, this is less of a political missive than really smart rules to live by if we want to live a full and happy life. As you know, I tend to be pretty passionate about my beliefs and none more so than the politics of my gender.

As women, we tend to freely give away our power and as a result, sacrifice our own happiness. It sometimes comes from the mistaken belief that if we make others happy, we will be happy too. And while giving to others is essential to living a full and happy life, it’s not sufficient in and of itself.

When we own our personal power, we become whole, complete beings. We are fully present for ourselves and others. We take great care of our body – we feed it food that sustains and enhances us. We do what it takes to keep our body strong and vibrant.

We care for our mind (and heart) when we learn to recognize thoughts and emotions as conditioned responses that have no power to control us. When we bring them to light for what they are, simply, they lose their power and we can easily let them go.

We learn to put ourselves first. And while this may sound selfish on the surface, it’s only when we truly take care of ourselves that we are able to give freely and abundantly to others.

As a result, we enjoy nurturing relationships, experience more joy, have more authentic and fulfilling careers and are better partners and parents.

What does it mean to own your personal power?

  • I don’t leave my life’s decisions in the hands of others
  • I refuse to ignore that which is no longer working for me
  • I remove myself from unhealthy relationships
  • I learn to love myself more than any other
  • I serve myself and my higher power first
  • I am consistent in words, thoughts and actions
  • I am integrated, whole, authentic
  • I have personal integrity

When we own our personal power, we live a WHOLE life.

May you live a whole life for your whole life!


Wordle: The Power Woman's Manifesto
Deb Signature

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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