Every sports coach understands the importance of the players she picks for her team. She drafts individuals with complimentary skills that, together, help the team reach the championship goal.

Every business executive does the same when faced with a new project or product. The ultimate success of that initiative relies purely on the capability and commitment of the people selected to be on the team as well as the executive’s skill as a leader and facilitator.

Every mother knows this too when it comes to her children. She selects people who will help her child develop to their highest potential. She chooses the best teachers, tutors, nannies, sports coaches, and college counselors. Why then, when it comes to our own goals are we running down the field alone?

In The Power Woman’s Manifesto we learn to put ourselves first. Why is that so hard? Aren’t we worthy of the same love and care we give to others? If we are not at the tip top of our game, how well are we supporting our children, partners and for many of us, our parents? I took a huge step three years ago when I realized that I wasn’t happy in my life and it was time to change.

At 52 I saw where I was headed, said, “I want to look back at my life from some high point in the sky and say ‘Wow! I tested all the edges. I pushed all the boundaries. I didn’t take “No” for an answer. I looked fear in the face and said I respect you, but I won’t let you stand in my way. I felt what it feels like to explode with love. I woke up every morning and did the happy dance because the work I did helped others live happier lives.’”

So I put together a team. And I swapped out the players as I needed new skills. I called them “Team Deb.” A little therapy here, some physical training there, eat well, open up to love, unravel the spine that binds you, do what inspires you, meditate daily and give generously to others. And little by little, step by step, I had a huge return on those investments.

And now at 55, I am beaming as I tell you I’m now getting the love I want, doing work I love, I feel stronger and have more energy than I ever have in my life. I’ve learned to face my fears, attract my desires and live every moment fully. I’m here today and gone in some tomorrow, so if not now, when? I now pose the same questions to you: If not now, when? How will you manifest your dream?

Who’s on your team?

Wishing you love and happiness always,

Deb Signature

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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