It’s almost a new year. If you are like me, you may be looking back already and thinking about what you want to change next year. Those thoughts may turn into New Year’s resolutions.

Whether you want to increase your income, lose weight, find a life partner or balance the budget, resolutions can often feel like punishment. By it’s very definition, a resolution means to fix something that’s not working and it’s usually something wrong with us. Resolutions rarely feel good. It’s no wonder we usually give up by February.

Instead of resolutions, try creating intentions. Intentions carry an emotional incentive – a drive to see them through to the end.

Intentions inspire and lift you up and they are more likely to stick. They are empowering, and they create momentum.

Here are my 16 mindful intentions for 2016. If they inspire you, please share your own below this post. Just by stating them out loud, you have created positive momentum that is already moving you in the right direction.

Here goes (in no particular order):

  1. I intend to live up to my own expectations and not make excuses.
  2. I intend to get support in areas outside of my zone of genius.
  3. I intend to take my weekends off and not work.
  4. I intend to deepen my expertise by taking a workshop that gives me a new skill or perfects one I already have.
  5. I intend to give back 10% of The Great Do-Over program revenue to The Malala fund. Her fearlessness and courage have inspired so many young girls to take a stand for education.
  6. I intend to be there for my son as he navigates his choices for college – lending guidance and support while giving him the room to find his calling.
  7. I intend to mentor other coaches in how to deliver transformative retreat experiences.
  8. I intend to have fun at work by collaborating on new projects with smart and interesting women. (Look for Better After 50 TV coming to a YouTube channel near you!)
  9. I intend to take four weeks vacation including trips to Mexico, Lake Powell and Paris.
  10. I intend to write The Great Do-Over book and be published in 2017.
  11. I intend to be in love with every day, regardless of circumstances, the weather or how bad my hair looks.
  12. I intend to bravely step in front of the video camera as often as possible, no matter how uncomfortable it feels, to allow myself to be seen and heard.
  13. I intend to personally coach more than 100 women in stepping up to their full potential in work, health and love.
  14. I intend to stay healthy and strong – keeping my body fit and my mind agile.
  15. I intend to gather the people I love to celebrate as often as possible and for no other reason than because I can.
  16. I intend to feel beautiful and loved – because I have learned to love myself more than any other. That love attracts more love and is the predominant emotion that fills my days.

What are your intentions for 2016? To share them is to declare them. Just be putting them in print, you are already creating momentum to see them through.

In love,

Deb Signature

deb5Debra Boulanger is the creator of The Great Do-Over Retreats where she coaches clients in the basic tenants of how to clear away doubt and fear and live a courageous life. You can learn more about her practice here, or contact her directly here.

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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