Ever since I’ve discovered raw cacao, I’ve felt like Christopher Columbus discovering the new world. Raw what you say? Cacao (pronounced ca-cow). Isn’t that the same as cocoa? Yup, the same little bean from Mexico, South America or Africa that when processed in a plant with sugar, corn syrup, modified whey, cocoa (processed with alkali), hydrogenated coconut oil, nonfat milk, calcium carbonate, salt, dipotassium phosphate, mono-and diglyderides, and artificial flavor – that can actually kill you.

But that raw, unadulterated beauty can breathe life into your body and brain like nothing else on the planet.  I’ve experienced the benefits first hand and oh my god I am never going to be the same again! The effects of this one superfood (that also happens to be super yummy) have been so dramatic on my body, brain and mood that I had to write a special blog post just to share it.

My discovery really came about by accident. Late one rainy, cold and wet afternoon, I had too much work and too little focus or motivation (a real hazard if you are a solopreneur). I thought I’d give myself a treat by making a cup of hot chocolate. Since I am a health coach, I grabbed for the really good quality organic cacao I typically add to my smoothies, then added water and honey. Then I sat down to do my work.

I was working right along when about twenty minutes later the awareness hit:

“Wow, I’m really focused! I’m really calm! I’m plowing through this work that I was avoiding all day. Amazing!”

I mentioned this to Karen, my health coach (yes, even health coaches have health coaches) and she agreed, “Isn’t it amazing? It’s super focusing!” We nodded and shared a knowing grin.  “Oh my god,” I said. “If the rest of the world knew about this, no one would ever drink coffee again!”

So, I began to dig deeper. Why is cacao so incredibly powerful? Cacao is the powder that is made from grinding up raw beans from the cacao tree. It’s not the roasted, sweetened variety found in packaged cocoa mixes, but the real, unadulterated thing. What I found out about this mighty little bean literally blew me away.

Here are the top 10 benefits of raw cacao:

1.     Adds dietary fiber. Each portion of cacao powder adds about 4gr of dietary fiber to your day.

2.     Provides cancer fighting antioxidants such as epicatechin – surpassing red wine and green tea in it’s ability to enhance blood flow.

3.     Helps control blood pressure. Cacao contains flavanols, thought to be responsible for the formation of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide causes blood vessel walls to relax and open wider, thereby reducing blood pressure.

4.     Reduces cholesterol by increasing those flavonals, HDL (good cholesterol) is also increased.

5.     Helps regulate insulin. Cacao, along with coffee, tea, wine, whole grains and fruits, contains high levels of polyphenol antioxidants that can decrease blood sugar spikes following meals, reduce fasting blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

6.     Provides a rich source of minerals such as magnesium, iron, copper and is a good source of vitamin C.

7.     Sugar free and with little caffeine, there is no resulting “crash.”

8.     Increases Serotonin – the ‘feel good’ chemical in our brains that’s triggered when we are happy. Cacao is also known to be an aphrodisiac (I think these two points may be connected….hmmm…what do you think?)

9.     Boosts brain power! Yes, that’s right. Cacao increases blood flow to that grey matter between your ears for about 2 – 3 hours after consumption. It’s jitter free and you’ll still be able to sleep at night after a good day’s work and play.

10. May help prevent Dementia. If you know dementia or Alzheimer’s run in your family, you might well be concerned about developing these diseases too. Some studies even show a positive correlation in improved memory and brain function.

NOW do you know why I was so excited to make this discovery?

I’m now on a mission to get as much cacao in my diet as I can stand. I found a recipe for chocolate squares made from dates, cacao, almonds, chia seeds and coconut. Guests raved when I served them at the Live a Whole Life launch party. And just today I came across another recipe – this one for raw chocolate fudge squares that I can’t wait to try!

Are you becoming as passionate about this little bean as I am? If you are among the uninitiated, here are some tips on how you can add cacao into your diet:

·      Add one-to-two tablespoons to your favorite smoothie

·      Make a raw cacao sweet treat

·      Drink it straight – hot or cold

For more great cacao recipes, check out my Facebook page.  Here’s to your health!

Deb Signature

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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