“I am the master of my fate,

     I am the captain of my soul.”

Invictus – By William Ernest Henley

Lately I’ve been grooving on Oprah and Deepak’s 21-day meditation series, “The Energy of Attraction – manifesting your best life.”

Day 19 is “Becoming a Co-Creator” and it’s been a booster shot for my soul.

When I was in my 30’s and 40’s I literally would say to myself, “I can move mountains,” and I did. Boy could I make things happen! I could herd cats and get people galvanized behind my ideas. I got budget to implement them and was promoted and bonused nicely for those wins.

My belief in myself and what I could do was pretty unshakeable. Until it wasn’t.

Enter a blip on my radar.

Menopause. A divorce. Hitting a speed bump in my business.

When you live on the edge, the edges can get a bit jagged. You might find yourself on the edge of a cliff and asking, “what now?”

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?  What happens when “I can move mountains” turns into, “I don’t know what to do,” or “I don’t even know what I want?”

How do you get back on track? What track are you on anyway? And how did you get so lost?

Everyone has those moments – and they can turn into days, months and even years.

The answer lies in Isaac Newton’s third law of motion:

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

When a bird flaps its wings, it pushes air downward, at the same time it is met with an equal force of air that keeps it in flight. The same is true of fish in water. Fins propel the fish through the water at the same force that the water propels the fish forward.

The same is true for you. Every action you take is met by a corresponding reaction. Every thought, emotion, belief and action is met with it’s match of force.

You are the creator of your experience. Everything you want is in your control. So what do you want?

If you are squishy on what you want or if you have cracks in your emotional force field, you might not be getting the reaction you want to propel yourself forward. This is true whether it’s a divorce, a career change or a business that isn’t growing the way you thought it would.

The most important thing is that you take your power back and become the creator of your own experience.

How do you master this art of co-creation?

How can you get your mojo back, feel great about who you are and do great things in the world with people who love and admire you?

Since this is physics and law is law, it’s time to master your action and resulting reactions.

Consider for a moment what’s NOT working. You can print this out and make a few notes on it if you like… make a list of everything that isn’t working and that you don’t want (don’t worry, just writing it or saying it out loud won’t draw it to you – this is actually a clearing exercise).

Now look at your list. What is the exact opposite of all that you have written there? Take what you DON’T want and turn it into what you DO want. You can be as specific or general as you like.

What I’ve come to know for sure is that we all have unconscious patterns learned in childhood – things that can trip us up as grown ups – being a people pleaser, putting others ahead of yourself, believing there’s a limit to how much money you can have, or what you are capable of doing, feeling flawed.

Your unconscious patterns of belief are actually driving your actions and the resulting experiences.

So now it’s time to tune in…What do you catch yourself saying?

“He doesn’t respect me. He diminishes me in front of of others.”

“I’m broke.”

“There are no good men out there.”

“I have no idea what I am meant to do.”

If you were a bird, you’d be flat on the ground.

But…what if you are able to master what you are thinking, saying and doing?

8 practices to get you on the manifestation train

Every one of us has the ability to be, do and have everything you want. But first, you have to know what that is and next, learn to master the manifesting mindset.

  1. Find proof. It’s hard to undertake a new practice if you don’t have faith that it will work. The first step is to find proof. Can you remember a time when you thought about something and presto, it appeared? Boom. You’ve got that. If you can’t find proof in your own life, look to others you know or call me – I can give you a few examples.
  2. Reveal your wants. For some this is harder than it sounds. Create your “year from now” vision as if you were writing a script for your very own movie, where you are the leading character and here you are manifesting success, love, money… with every focus, what you want comes into clear view.
  3. Tune into your own signal. Vision board. Journal. Meditate. Do everything you can to create the perfect conditions to receive what you want. Adapt a practice of expecting miracles every day.
  4. Develop a habit of gratefulness. Beyond pithy thanks that are easy to come by, stretch your gratefulness to the much less common and much less noticed. Anything “free” you receive is a blessing, regardless of its cash value.
  5. Don’t stomp on the corn. Stomping on a seedling and saying, “grow, grow, grow, dammit!” Doesn’t get you far. You will eventually receive everything you ask for (think like a genie on this one) so, 1. Be careful what you wish for and 2. Realize you get what you are ready to receive.
  6. Keep it light and let go. Asking for what you want and then getting impatient about it doesn’t get you there any faster.
  7. Follow the breadcrumbs. “There is one source, many channels,” says The Abundance Project author, Derek Rydall. Every day you are presented with signs and messages that guide you to your desired destination, but if you aren’t tuned in, you will walk right past the breadcrumbs.
  8. Trust in the process. When you are in the groove of asking and receiving and having fun along the way, things will fall into place more easily. It’s like working out at the gym. You don’t get a tight body overnight. Neither will you instantly manifest everything you desire tomorrow. Learn to trust, let go, keep it light and notice the blessings every day.

If you have been hanging out in my camp for very long, you already know, “What you focus your attention on grows.”

If you are looking at what’s missing in your life, the chasm between what you want and what you have only gets wider. If you are focused on noticing everyday miracles, every day becomes a miracle.

You’ve got this. I have your back, I promise.

If this has spoken to you and you would like to take the conversation further, call me. You are one thought away from what you want.

Big love,


Deb Signature

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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