“A small desire was ignited in you and you followed the path to that. It’s a path that is continually unfolding.”

– Abraham-Hicks

“I think we should take the Williamsburg Bridge,” he said. “It’s the most direct route to downtown.”

“Whatever you think love,” I said.“I usually just go through the tunnel and right down Second Avenue.”

“But we are heading to the West side. The bridge will be more direct.” He said. “Okay,” I agreed.

As we exit off the LIE, there’s a big backup heading over the bridge. We are already late. This trip that should have taken only two hours is verging on three.

“Let’s go back to the tunnel,” I said. (Thankfully, there was an entry back to the highway just ahead. Traffic was moving fine there.)

“Oh, you’re in the wrong lane!” I complain. “Second Avenue is a left out of the tunnel!” (I was getting frustrated… something that rarely happens when I’m with him.) “Oh, sorry baby,” He said.

The left onto Second was all backed up – we head crosstown. By the time we get to Fifth Avenue, crosstown traffic is halted, but looking left down Fifth, everything was moving. We breezed downtown and in no time we were in The Village with time to spare.

Why am I sharing this traffic story with you?

Because there is a big life lesson in here, and maybe you have seen it in you own life.

It’s called “The Path of Least Resistance.”

So many times we struggle… “But I ALWAYS go this way!” – Which can be translated to… “This is what I have always done. This feels good to me. It’s comfortable. It’s what I know. It works”…

Until it doesn’t.

Until that old pattern takes more energy and you feel a lot less joy when you are doing it.

You are now rowing upstream. You are in familiar territory for sure, but you’re not getting anywhere and it sure doesn’t feel good.

One of the most important lessons I have learned is when it feels hard, I’m moving in the wrong direction – I’m making the wrong decision.

Do you sometimes notice that when you get an impulse to take a risk, or do something different, everything falls into place?

I always say “it’s the universe conspiring in your favor.” You’re almost surprised that things actually turned out so well!

Don’t be.

It’s you, heading your impulses – following your inner voice – your inner wisdom. You naturally know the right direction to turn, it’s just that you are rarely listening or rarely take action once you hear it.

We are conditioned to follow patterns – even when those patterns are no longer working…

It’s a very Skinnerian way of behaving – we keep giving the same response even after the rewards have been taken away.

My offer to you today is to take your path of least resistance (it is the path of most allowing).

How can you tell what path you are on?

Does it feel heavy or light? Are things falling into place or are you rowing upstream? What is it that you really want to happen? (Hint: it’s not an all or nothing equation… there may be steps along the path to get to where you ultimately want to be.)

Trust your instincts.

If this has struck a chord with you and you would like to talk about how this applies to your own life, contact me here.

I’d love to support you in finding your path of least resistance – which just happens to be your path of most joy!

In love,

Deb Signature

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.
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