A new year.

A blank slate

What will you create?

I love a fresh start to the new year. It’s a time to begin again. Where you can adopt the beginner’s mind in creating your year ahead.

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” ~ Shunryu Suzuki

It’s exciting. It’s also a bit overwhelming, don’t you think?

When there are so many possible directions to choose from, sometimes it’s hard to pick just one! If you are like most business owners, you have more goals on your list than you can possibly accomplish in one year.

When this happens your mind can be scattered. It’s hard to prioritize what’s most important and how you should be spending your time – which gets you nowhere very fast.

What I’ve seen work in my life and business and in my clients’ businesses is that you need a clear vision of where you are going so that you can set priorities, make a plan and take inspired action toward your goals each day.

Inspired action is different than just getting things done.

You can feel super productive crossing items off your to do list, but are you doing the right things? Are they the most important things you could be doing in that very moment? It’s only natural to want to get done the easy things and leave the the bigger projects for later.

Until you wake up to the fact that you have left precious revenue on the table by doing what was easy rather than what is important.

Be careful of the “action trap” where just getting through your to-do list feels like you’re making progress. You won’t meet your goals that way, and you will likely get discouraged and feel like you failed.

Scattered focus is the enemy of the solopreneur.

This month I’ll be working with a small group of women entrepreneurs to get their year off to a rocking start.

I want to share some of that wisdom here with you in this blog post.

Would you like to finally launch your business this year or double your revenue? Then, focus on success as a daily habit.

Make success a daily habit.

Here’s how to focus beginner’s mind and and make success a daily habit.

  1. Take time to journal and meditate each day. Meditation breeds a quiet mind and a quiet mind is a focused mind. Journaling allows you to clear the clutter and connect with your intuition–bringing new insight and creativity into your business.
  2. Read your year-from-now vision and master goals daily. Ask yourself: “What is the most important thing I can do today to realize my #1 goal?”
  3. Plan your business activities quarter by quarter. Don’t underestimate the number of activities that support each launch. The devil is indeed in the details.
  4. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. If you start your day by opening email, you are fulfilling someone else’s agenda for you. Prioritize your day. Block your calendar and batch your tasks. You will get more things done that really matter.
  5. Delegate as much as your budget can afford. You will be more productive and make more revenue if you stay focused on your zone of genius.
  6. Automate your systems and processes. Make the right technology investments early on and use them to your full advantage.
  7. Overcome resistance and false beliefs. You really don’t need to take another online marketing course or get another certification. These can be resistance strategies that let you feel productive when in effect you may be delaying success or venturing off your path. Old belief systems can sabotage your success, so keep in tip top awareness and learn how to master your inner game.
  8. Beware of the next “million dollar” coaches promise. It takes time to grow a thriving business and order matters. Online marketing strategies are great. But they only work if you have a product that someone wants to buy, that is priced and packaged in a way that works–for them. You can easily burn through your investment budget and never get your business off the ground. Make sure you have the right foundation in place. Know you how to price and package your offerings and how to connect to your ideal clients.
  9. Get a mentor you trust and a community of like-hearted entrepreneurs to join who can keep you accountable.

There’s one more thing I want you to know, and that’s that there is no magic bullet in building a business. Ask those who look like overnight successes and you’ll find their stories are full of sweat equity and winding turns.

You are here to do important work, and this is an amazing and divine time with a universe of possibility ahead! Know that success is already yours. Just make sure that vision board is backed by a success plan, because success is a daily habit

Big Love,

Deb Signature

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